Security, O.H.S Measures

Eskag Sanjeevani

Security, O.H.S Measures

At Eskag Sanjeevani hospital, we are totally committed to offer a secure and completely sage environment for our patients, visitors as well as our staff, frontline workers. We have deployed a professional security agency those take care and keep our patients, staffers and visitors round the clock.  There is a zero-tolerance policy against abusive, aggressive and violent behaviour.

Safety and security in the hospital

To ensure 100% safety for everyone, Eskag Sanjeevani hospital utilized a number of securities measures and rigorously complies with standard OHS rules and regulations. There are 24X7 CCTV cameras installed at all vantage points, fire alarm, and duress alarms for all staff, there are In-House Security \Staff including as well as Female Security Staff to maintain security round the clock.

To keep staff, patients and visitors safe, hospitals use a range of security measures, including the use of CCTV cameras, duress alarms for staff members and electronic access control systems for doorways. Some hospitals also employ security staff.

Visitors at the Hospital and general safety

We encourage visitors, friends and family to visit patients, because we are aware of the distress patients might be in. A visit by a near and dear certainly helps, however if you bring some gifts etc, please ensure that it has been checked by one of the hospital members. Request the visitors to be kind to hospital staff, any kind of physical abuse towards anyone will not be tolerated and will be asked to leave hospital premises at once.

Feedback Mechanism – Always Willing to do better

At Eskag Sanjeevani hospital, we have a proper consumer redressal system and each hospital has a complaint box where you can drop your feedback. We will ensure that your complaint or feedback is read and eventually addressed by the right channels.

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