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kidney stone myths

Top Myths about Kidney Stones

26th May, 2023

Kidney stones are a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide. With their prevalence, various myths and misconceptions surrounding kidney stones have emerged. Know about some of the most prevalent kidney stone myths, which will help you to understand this condition better and take appropriate preventive measures.

Myth 1: Only Older Adults Get Kidney Stones

Reality: While kidney stones are more common in adults, they can occur at any age. In recent years, there has been an increase in kidney stone cases among younger individuals due to lifestyle Realityors such as:

1. Poor dietary choices, 2. Sedentary lifestyles, and 3. Inadequate hydration.

Age is not a determining Realityor for kidney stone formation.

Myth 2: Drinking Calcium-Rich Beverages Causes Kidney Stones

Reality: Many people believe that consuming calcium-rich beverages, such as milk, increases the risk of kidney stone formation. However, research suggests that consuming an appropriate amount of calcium is actually beneficial for reducing the risk of kidney stones. Calcium binds with oxalate, a substance found in certain foods that can contribute to stone formation, preventing it from being absorbed by the body and forming stones.

Myth 3: All Kidney Stones Are Equally Painful

Reality: Kidney stones can vary in size and composition, which can affect the level of pain experienced. Larger stones may cause more severe pain, while smaller stones may be passed without causing significant discomfort. The location of the stone within the urinary tract also influences the intensity of pain. It is important to seek medical attention if you suspect you have a kidney stone, as proper diagnosis and treatment are crucial.

Myth 4: Drinking Cranberry Juice Dissolves Kidney Stones

Reality: Cranberry juice is often recommended for urinary tract health, but it does not have the ability to dissolve kidney stones. It may help prevent certain types of urinary tract infections but does not have a direct effect on the dissolution of kidney stones. If you have kidney stones, consult a healthcare professional for appropriate treatment options.

Myth 5: Cutting Oxalate-Rich Foods Out Prevents Kidney Stones

Reality: It is true that some kidney stones are composed of calcium oxalate, but eliminating all oxalate-rich foods from your diet is unnecessary and may be detrimental to your overall health. Moderation is the key. Some foods high in oxalate include:

1. Spinach, 2. Rhubarb, 3. Beets, 4. Nuts, and 5. Chocolate

If you have a history of kidney stones, consult a registered dietitian who can help you create a balanced diet that includes appropriate levels of oxalate.

Myth 6: Drinking Plenty of Water Will Flush Kidney Stones Out

Reality: Adequate hydration is crucial for kidney health, as it helps prevent stone formation. However, once a kidney stone has formed, drinking water alone may not be sufficient to flush it out. Small stones may be passed with increased fluid intake, but larger stones may require medical intervention for removal. Consult a healthcare professional for guidance if you suspect you have a kidney stone.

Bottom Line

Now that you know that these common myths are misconceptions, you can better understand the condition and make informed decisions about the prevention and treatment of kidney stones.

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